Dat ass? Except the main lady in this book is in no way this servile.
All tagged 1980s
Dat ass? Except the main lady in this book is in no way this servile.
Friend, I’m sorry, but I didn’t like this book. Please turn back now; I don’t want my opinions to sully your love.
Frustratingly: Contrarywise 2.0 … except it came first.
Working on a technicality, here.
Good, not great, but still happy to be reading this series.
My second fantastic recommendation from a reader!
sobs in terrible old books
My first recommendation!
What the hell happened to my bookshelf?
Violence against women is such a hoot.
Ah, my first hate-read
Doris Piserchia makes a comeback!
Peak nostalgia.
I knew I could trust Robin McKinley
A classic, easy fantasy perfectly low-key for reading with fried nerves.
Definitely a 70s book, even if it was published in 1980.
I knew I wouldn’t like this book, but I kinda had to know how the series ended.
That cover art might be the most authentic to the book cover art I’ve ever seen.
It’s been nothing but rain in Pittsburgh, but my reading is in a dry-spell.
This review proves my ability for impartiality.